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Cultivation of industrial hemp

We have started receiving requests and payments for the 2022 sowing season.

Deadline for receiving payments: April 15, 2022.

As of this year, in addition to certified seeds for sowing industrial (useful) hemp of the FINOLA® variety, we also offer numerous other varieties, FELINA32, FERIMON, FEDORA17, FUTURA75+83, SANTHICA 27+70, FIBROR 79, EARLINA 8FC, USO 31, USO (ECO), CARMAGNOLA, TIBORSZALLASI ... 


Standard packaging - bags from 20 to 25 kg

Small packages - bags up to 1 kg

Find all additional information at


The re-cultivation of industrial hemp in the Republic of Croatia was legalized at the beginning of 2012 in such a way that the sowing of hemp varieties from the EU variety list is allowed.

Not only was CannaBio the initiator of these legal changes, CannaBio, in the same year 2012, through its subcontractors, sowed industrial hemp on several arable fields throughout Croatia and reaped the harvest. We can freely say that we are the first grower of industrial hemp in the Republic of Croatia, and we have the greatest practical knowledge and experience in growing hemp, which we are always ready to share with our colleagues and business partners.


From the very beginning of 2012, we decided to growFINOLA® varieties. As the primary purpose of the FINOLA® variety is the production of seeds for processing into food, and there is a need on the market for other varieties that have a mixed purpose and a larger amount of biomass, as well as those varieties that have a larger amount of useful substances, either in the total amount per unit surface or by concentration, that's why we decided to offer certified seeds for sowing and other varieties for general, combined or specialized purposes.

Below we provide detailed information on the cultivation and profitability of the FINOLA variety®  for which we have many years of growing experience and general information about growing other varieties from the offer. For specific information on the cultivation of other varieties, regarding preparation for sowing and sowing, optimal sowing period and composition, growing seasonand food, optimal fruit picking period and method and drying, we advise you to look for the necessary information yourself.

How to get certified seeds for sowing the FINOLA® variety and other varieties in the offer?

CannaBio doo is an authorized distributor for the Republic of Croatia cerified seeds of industrial hemp variety FINOLA®.

Submit a request for an offer here.


All buyers of seeds for sowing CannaBio will:

* provide information related to obtaining a license to grow industrial hemp

* deliver the seeds to the requested address before the optimal sowing date

* to provide all the information of seed producers related to cultivation as well as information about cultivation experiences in HR



Why industrial hemp?

  • Agronomy and nature
    • improves the quality of the soil naturally (natural nutrients, cleaning the soil from pollution)

    • minimal costs for starting cultivation (the most expensive is certified seed for sowing)

    • fits perfectly into the crop rotation

    • sustainable cultivation without the use of pesticides and herbicides on sown fields

    • a very short time until ripening enables the cultivation of two crops in one season and green fertilization

  • Nutrition and health
    • hemp products enrich the diet excellently

    • does not contain allergens

    • compensates for the lack of essential fatty acids (especially Omega-3), the composition of fatty acids is harmonized with the needs of the human body, it contains rare "super" fats GLA and SDA

    • rich in vitamin E

    • excellent nutritional supplement for farm animals and pets




  • Agronomy
    • the fastest maturing variety (approx. 100 days from sowing)

    • shortest and softest stem (least need for fertilizers)

    • the highest yield of hemp seeds per hectare (under ideal conditions and more than 2,000 kg/ha)

    • the simplest threshing (standard combine)

  • Nutritionism
    • the highest proportion of Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential polyunsaturated fatty acids

    • the highest proportion of "super" fatty acids, gammalonolenic (GLA) and stearidonic (SDA)

    • high proportion of easily digestible vegetable proteins, including all essential amino acids

    • a significant range of minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin E

    • a large percentage of dietary fiber that regulates digestion

  • Gastronomy
    • characteristic pleasant nutty smell and taste

  • Ecology
    • one of the rare varieties whose seeds for sowing are not treated with any preparations, which makes it suitable even for certified organic production

    • no herbicides or fungicides are used during cultivation




Improvement of the FINOLA® variety compared to other varieties..

  • Agronomy
    • FINOLA is an early ripening variety and is usually done at the end of August (dry weather, less rain, especially long-lasting); all other varieties are medium and late ripening, so they are made at the end of September / beginning of October (possible longer rainy periods). The amount and duration of rainfall directly affects the possibility of entering the field with a combine harvester, the possibility and quality of crop drying, and the amount of ripe seeds that are naturally shed on the ground during heavy rains.

    • FINOLA has the shortest and softest stem. Other varieties are many times more and have a stronger stem, and their need for nutrients during growth is much higher, which requires more fertilizer and results in higher costs.

    • FINOLA requires high-quality mechanical soil preparation before sowing and proper sowing depth in order to successfully compete against weeds. Due to their height, other varieties compete more easily with weeds and are not so sensitive to the pre-sowing quality of soil preparation.

    • FINOLA has the highest yield of hemp seeds per hectare compared to other varieties since it was primarily selected for seed production. The primary purpose in the selection of other varieties is the production of biomass or a combined purpose, which results in a lower seed yield.

    • FINOLA is easily done with a standard harvester without special mechanical modifications. When threshing other varieties, special threshing machines are used in the EU, precisely because the stalks are much taller and harder. If a standard harvester is used to thresh those tall varieties, it can easily happen that it is impossible to thresh or that the harvester is mechanically damaged or ignited.

  • Nutritionism
    • FINOLA's seeds have the best nutritional composition since they are primarily selected for the purpose of producing quality raw material for human consumption. In the case of the other varieties, the seeds are a by-product of cultivation, that is, one of the products, so the nutritional composition was not a primary factor in selection.

  • Price

    • FINOLA's seed for sowing is a bit more expensive compared to the seeds of other varieties, but that is why it achieves a higher yield and a higher price of the crop

  • Ecology
    • FINOLA is one of the few varieties whose sowing seeds have not been treated with any preparations, which makes it suitable even for certified organic production. The seeds of other varieties of hemp, especially French varieties, are treated with preparations due to legal obligations in the country of seed production. It is necessary to pay special attention in the case of eco-production



Examples of why to sow hemp (OPGs, cooperatives)

  • for the purpose of selling crops to third parties

  • for processing into own products intended for human consumption

  • the use of hemp seeds extremely rich in high-quality proteins and fatty acids in nutrition and/or enrichment of animal nutrition:

    • dairy cows (milk)

    • beef (meat)

    • pigs (meat)

    • fish in fish farms

    • layers, chickens and other poultry (extremely valued Omega eggs)

    • birds, rabbits, horses

  • use of dry stems as excellent bedding (cattle, horses, ..) with better characteristics than straw

  • production of humus


What about the crop?


  • utilization in one's own agricultural holding

  • own processing and/or retail

  • sale to one of several hemp processors (oilers) on the Croatian market

  • sales on the EU market

    • there is a lack of quality raw materials on the EU market, especially those with an ECO certificate, which is why it is made up for by imports from non-EU countries (Canada, China, ..). Demand on the market is stronger at the beginning of spring.


The possibility of contracting the purchase / representation during the sale of the crop with CannaBio doo. The terms of the contract depend on the sown area, whether it is organic or conventional cultivation, and the filling of the quota. Ask for the conditions when filling out the request for a quote for sowing seeds.



Legal conditions for sowing hemp in Croatia

  • The condition is the registration of the areas on which you will grow hemp to the Ministry of Agriculture. Detailed information on how to apply can be found on the website of the Ministry of Agriculturehereand by telephone contact of competent officials.


Basic information about growing the FINOLA® variety

FINOLA® is a variety of industrial hemp intended for the production of seeds.

It is characterized by the dioeciousness of the plant (male and female stems), very fast maturation (about 100 days from sowing), high seed yield, lower growth (up to 150 cm) and a softer stem.

The speed of maturation, height and yield are significantly influenced by soil quality, seasonal crops and pre-sowing fertilization.

Below is basic information for conventional farming. Seed buyers will receive full and detailed information.


Soil selection

  • well-drained sandy soil rich in organic matter is preferred

  • avoid moist clay soils

  • preferred pre-crop perennial alfalfa, soybeans, barley, potatoes, green manure

Weed control

  • there is no registered herbicide that can be applied after sowing

  • good autumn and spring tillage

  • with proper and rapid sprouting and development, it can partially control weeds that sprout from seeds


  • sowing 1 - 2 cm deep in finely prepared soil, it is preferable to go over with a roller after sowing (too deep sowing and poorly prepared soil are the most common cause of poor sprouting)

  • a standard wheat seeder is used

  • in moist soil at a temperature of min. 10-15C, from mid-April to the end of May when the danger of frost has passed (a young plant can withstand several nights down to -4C)

  • the amount of seed for sowing 25-30 kg/ha ensures an optimal assembly


  • in the form of NPK and urea/fertilizer: N 80 to 100 kg, P 10 to 15 kg/ha, K about 20 kg/ha, S if they are missing in the soil

Diseases and pests

  • major diseases were not observed in the fields in Croatia

  • possible mold and rot due to meteorological conditions, especially in wet autumn for late sowing

  • no registered pesticides

  • major losses due to pests were not observed in the fields in Croatia


  • threshing with a standard combine for threshing cereals and oilseeds with the necessary wind and sieve settings

  • no specialized machines or mechanical modifications are required - an experienced practitioner ensures success

  • pay particular attention to the possibility of wrapping and entangling the stem

  • threshing 100 days after sowing (harvest time is influenced by weather conditions and fertilization)

  • it is done while the plant is still green and most of the seeds in the ear are ripe

Drying and cleaning

  • it is necessary within a few hours of harvesting to lower the humidity to 9% (danger of mold) with high air flow at a temperature of up to 40C - drying with overheated air must not be used!!

  • if there is no suitable dryer nearby, dry naturally in the shade, in a draft, scattered shallowly on a clean surface

  • after drying, start cleaning from impurities (sieves, gravity table, ..)


  • put dry and cleaned seeds in porous bags and store in a dry room where they can be stored for 2-3 years

What about the stem?

  • during harvesting, grind and scatter on the field (easily degradable, improves soil quality) or

  • cut or cut the rest of the stem a few days after threshing (about 12% moisture) and bale/store

  • there are no buyers of dry stalks on the Croatian market, and transportation costs are crucial for the profitability of sales on the EU market



The most common reasons for failure in breeding


Light - heat - moisture during stem growth

FINOLA® is a hemp variety from the northern parts of Europe that develops quickly and the seeds ripen quickly (100 - 115 days). The very dynamics of growth and the final height of the stem are affected by the length of daylight (the longer the better). Croatia is in a zone (about 45 N) that has a sufficient amount of light, but a slightly shorter stem (about 1 m) can be expected. During the entire growth period, and especially for the successful development of roots and the beginning of growth, the stem needs a sufficient amount of heat in the soil and air (warm), moisture (moderate) and nutrients in the soil (rich). Longer-term too high or too low temperatures, longer-term lack or excess of moisture in the soil as well as an insufficient amount of nutrients in the soil can shorten the growth period of the stem (from sprouting to the flowering phase). Once the flowering period is over and the plant is in the phase of pouring grains, the plant tolerates higher temperatures and lower amounts of moisture relatively well.


Optimum sowing time

There is no benefit from sowing too early unless extreme heat and drought are expected. In northern regions (50 N and above) hemp is usually sown at the beginning of June. In the southern regions, which includes Croatia, hemp can be sown from the beginning of May, provided there is enough heat and moisture.


Sowing too deep

FINOLA® is a hemp variety intended for oil production and is not grown as a hemp variety intended for fiber production. The correct sowing depth is 1 to 2 cm, not deeper.


Sowing in heavy, clay soils that are difficult to dry

You just don't do it. Choose well-drained soils.


Sowing in dry soil

FINOLA® is not sown in dry soil. Wait for the soil to become warm and moist.


Sowing on areas that already have major weed problems

Just don't sow in areas you already know have major weed problems, especially certain tall and thick-stemmed species (eg ragweed). FINOLA® is not a variety that will be able to solve the problem of weeds, especially certain types, by itself due to its height and density. Fight weeds with high-quality pre-sowing treatment or prepare for a mechanical fight. Konolya will compete successfully against other types of crops, but they can be a problem during harvest.


Insufficient amount of nitrogen

FINOLA® requires nutrients similarly to rapeseed. If the soil is already rich, add about 10% nitrogen in the form of urea or urine immediately before sowing to encourage rapid initial growth. The establishment of a good cover (dense and developed) is initially a prerequisite for successful cultivation.


Rainy harvest

Too much moisture at harvest time will encourage mold growth in any crop. FINOLA® is applied between 100 and 115 days after sowing while the stem is still soft and easy to thresh. Later the stem hardens. It is better to do it earlier during the dry period.


Crop drying

The crop must be dried within a few hours of harvesting. If a dryer will be used for drying, dry at temperatures of 30 - 40 C with high air flow for 10 to 14 days. Then clean the crop, check the moisture of the seeds again and, if necessary, add to 8-9% moisture. Only then is the crop ready for storage and transport.

If you are going to use natural drying (by spreading on a larger flat and covered surface), spread the crop to a depth of 5 to 10 cm, ensure good natural air circulation (draft) and mix twice a day, the first days if necessary and more often. The key to success is that harvesting and drying took place in a dry period when air temperatures are high.



All surfaces with which the crop will come into contact from threshing onwards should be dry and clean. Clean containers, machines and surfaces from dirt or crop residues of other crops, use clean bags and nylons to dry them on. Unlike other crops, hemp is not processed under high temperatures that would eventually destroy microorganisms, so cleanliness is key from threshing onwards in order to obtain a healthy crop for processing and sale.


Sowing "attic"

"Tavanuša" (last year's crop) is not FINOLA®. At their request and in order to receive incentives, you will have to present C1 seed certificates to all competent authorities, and you will not have them if you sow last year's crop. Follow the regulations related to the cultivation of industrial hemp.


Step by step

Experience in growing hemp, as in any business, is gained over the years. If you are a beginner, it is better to start with a smaller area, and if you are starting with a larger area, make sure you have previous soil analyzes and professional support (agronomists, advisory service) throughout the entire period.




A rough assessment of the profitability of cultivation


   PRINOS       _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_          _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   ____________    2.000 kg/ha

   PRODAJNA CIJENA       _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_____________    1.00 – 2.00 €/kg

   POTICAJI       _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_          _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ ____________    standard incentive per ha of area


  OBRADA TLA         _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     ____________ (fine soil cultivation)

        SJEME+PRIJEVOZ_cc781905-5cde-3194 350 €/ha

        GNOJIDBA _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_____________   N 80 - 100 kg/ha, in the form of NPK and urea

        SIJANJE _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   ____________ (standard grain seeder)

        VRŠIDBA _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  ____________ (standard combine)

        SUŠENJE _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  ____________       _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_    

        ČIŠČENJE (DORADA) ____________ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  cca HRK 0.40/kg

        PRIJEVOZ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ ____________    cca 2 kn/km


  WIN           _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d- ----------

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